Christopher Bobbitt
English 1- 4
February 10th, 2015
The Effects of Cell Phones
Do you ever see someone talking to their phone like a crazy person? Well they aren’t crazy they’re just talking to Siri, The lady that talks to you and answers any question you could think of. I bet most people would’ve never thought we would get to the point where we start talking to our phones. These many neat features are probably the reason people can’t stay off their phone, they might be neat but they can be very dangerous to the point where it could possibly take someone’s life. Cell phones have become a big driving distraction and a way where people can find someone through social media.
Cell phones have become a huge problem while driving because teenagers have to respond to a text message that isn’t that important. Most people think it’s okay to talk on the phone when you’re driving but it’s not,putting myself at risk, or anyone around me or in the car with me is not okay. For example if I’m driving and texting, and I’m going down the loop and I look down at my phone for a split second, I might look back up and I just rear ended a 40,000 dollar car. Now I have to pay for it all because I had to text my friend back about who won the baseball game last night. Not only did I wreck my car, and totaled someone else’s car. I also have to pay for it all.
Not only can it be a distraction it can also be a personal GPS, where someone could find me anywhere I went. Like, If I posted someone on instagram, and I had my location services on, it would tell them exactly where I’m at, or even on twitter if I posted something it would say, “posted near White Oak.” or where ever I might be when I post something. Now a days I have to be careful when I post from my phone because it’s easier for someone to see where I’m at.
therefore cell phones can be a good way to communicate to other people but they also create big distractions and a possible chance for one of them creepy people to find you.